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The AI Revolution in Startup Pitches: Insights from Kleiner Perkins' Mamoon Hamid and Ilya Fushman

Mamoon Hamid and Ilya Fushman revitalized Kleiner Perkins, making impactful investments in companies like Rippling, Loom, and Figma.

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Last week in San Francisco, during a special session at a StrictlyVC event, we had the privilege of conversing with Mamoon Hamid and Ilya Fushman. These two distinguished venture capitalists, whose acquaintance dates back to their childhood days in Frankfurt, Germany, have been at the helm of rejuvenating the iconic venture firm Kleiner Perkins for the past six years.

Their tenure has seen the firm regain its luster, marking significant investments in high-profile companies. Notable among these investments are Rippling, the workforce management platform founded by Parker Conrad with a valuation surpassing $11 billion; Loom, a video messaging service recently acquired by Atlassian for nearly a billion dollars; and Figma, a design tool powerhouse that nearly merged with Adobe for $20 billion.

Under the stewardship of Hamid and Fushman, Figma is now thriving as an independent entity, showcasing the duo's strategic vision for Kleiner Perkins' portfolio companies.

A Closer Look at the AI Surge in Startup Pitches

Mamoon Hamid and Ilya Fushman of Kleiner Perkins: ‘More than 80%’ of pitches now involve AI

Hamid and Fushman's observation is more than an anecdote; it's a testament to the AI revolution sweeping across sectors. From healthcare to finance and from education to logistics, AI's versatility is becoming a cornerstone for startups aiming to carve out a competitive edge. This shift is about leveraging new technology and reimagining business models, customer experiences, and operational efficiencies through AI's capabilities.

This trend towards AI-centric pitches indicates a more profound understanding among entrepreneurs that the future of business is inherently digital, and AI is at the heart of this transformation. The embrace of AI by startups suggests a proactive approach to solving complex problems, enhancing decision-making processes, and creating more personalized and engaging user experiences.

The Implications for Venture Capital and Industry

For venture capitalists like Kleiner Perkins, the surge in AI-focused pitches is both an opportunity and a challenge. It presents an opportunity to invest in groundbreaking technologies that could define the next generation of industry leaders. However, it also poses a challenge in discerning which AI innovations have the genuine potential to disrupt markets and deliver sustainable value.

Moreover, this trend is a bellwether for broader industry transformations. As more startups integrate AI into their core offerings, established businesses across various sectors will face increased pressure to accelerate digital transformations. This could lead to heightened competition, faster innovation cycles, and a greater emphasis on data-driven strategies.

The insights from Mamoon Hamid and Ilya Fushman highlight a critical juncture in the evolution of startups and venture capital. As AI becomes more entrenched in the fabric of new business ventures, the criteria for success in the startup world are rapidly evolving. For entrepreneurs, this means that integrating AI into their products and services is not just a value-add but increasingly a necessity to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

For venture capitalists, the challenge will be identifying AI applications that are genuinely innovative and capable of solving real-world problems. This will require a deep understanding of the technology and the market needs it seeks to address.


The revelation that more than 80% of startup pitches to Kleiner Perkins now involve AI clearly indicates the technology's growing impact on the business landscape. It reflects a broader shift towards digital-first strategies and underscores the importance of AI in driving innovation and competitive advantage. The message for startups and venture capitalists alike is clear: the future is AI, and success will depend on how well this technology is harnessed to create meaningful, sustainable value. As we look ahead, it's evident that AI is not just a tool in the entrepreneur's toolkit—it's becoming the foundation upon which the next generation of businesses will be built.