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How to Build Differentiated, Scalable Image Generation Apps with OctoML

AI image generation, use cases and capabilities

Welcome back to Prompts Daily.

This Sunday, I have a ton of new learnings, insights, and tutorials for you!

Today we have a deep dive into creating customized images for your particular needs using OctoAI.

Generating high-quality, customizable and cost-effective images is transforming industries from creative agencies to e-commerce.

However, customizing systems like Stable Diffusion requires engineering expertise that many lack.

OctoML simplifies customizing Stable Diffusion for your needs, and all these capabilities will be made available later this week for you to try for free.

In this deep dive, we’ll cover 2 use cases that will help you with this today:

  • Import pre-created checkpoints and LoRAs into the OctoAI Asset Library

  • Create your fine-tuning LoRA using OctoAI fine-tuning


  • Checkpoints = a saved state of the model at a certain point in its training, which allows users to resume or revert to that state without starting the training process over again.

  • LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) = a technique for fine-tuning AI models, enabling them to learn new tasks by making small, targeted adjustments, rather than retraining the entire model from scratch.

Let’s get into the tutorials 👇

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