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  • Colossyan's Revolutionary Approach to Corporate Training Videos through Generative AI

Colossyan's Revolutionary Approach to Corporate Training Videos through Generative AI

Kaltura survey finds 75% of employees disengage from training videos; Colossyan's generative AI offers engaging, multilingual solutions.

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Addressing the widespread issue of employee disengagement with corporate training videos, a survey by video technology provider Kaltura reveals that 75% of employees tend to skim or multitask through these sessions. This disengagement represents a significant challenge, considering the resources invested in creating training content. Dominik Mate Kovacs, co-founder and CEO of Colossyan, suggests a compelling solution: generative AI

Colossyan employs AI to produce engaging training videos with virtual avatars and customizable backgrounds, capable of transforming scripts into lively presentations with its text-to-speech engine, which supports translation into over 70 languages. This innovative approach promises to make corporate training more engaging and a more intelligent investment.

Transforming Corporate Training with GenAI

Colossyan uses GenAI to create corporate training videos

Colossyan has taken a significant leap forward by leveraging GenAI to produce high-quality corporate training videos. This cutting-edge technology allows for the generation of realistic video content, which can be tailored to meet the specific needs of any organization. Using GenAI, Colossyan can convert written scripts into engaging video content, effectively bringing the written word to life.

The Magic Behind the Scenes

At the core of Colossyan's technology is an advanced AI that can interpret and visualize scripts, creating informative and captivating professional-grade videos. This AI-driven process streamlines video production and ensures consistency and quality that can be hard to achieve through traditional methods. Moreover, Colossyan's AI can translate scripts into over 70 languages, breaking down language barriers and making training material universally accessible.

Customization at Its Finest

One of the standout features of Colossyan's approach is the high degree of customization it offers. Companies cannot just script their training content but also dictate the videos' visual and auditory aspects. This includes selecting the appearance and voice of the digital avatars that present the training material ensuring that the videos align with the company's branding and cultural values.

The Benefits of AI-Generated Training Videos

The implications of Colossyan's use of GenAI in creating corporate training videos are profound. It significantly reduces the time and resources required to produce training content. Companies no longer need to engage in the costly and time-consuming process of hiring actors, filming, and editing. Instead, they can produce high-quality videos quickly and efficiently, allowing more frequent updates and revisions to training materials.

Furthermore, the accessibility of Colossyan's platform means that companies of all sizes can benefit from this technology. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that may not have the resources for elaborate training programs can now offer their employees top-notch training videos at a fraction of the traditional cost.

A Step Towards the Future of Corporate Training

Colossyan's innovative use of GenAI in video production is more than a technological achievement; it's a step towards a future where corporate training is more dynamic, personalized, and accessible. As companies navigate the challenges of training a diverse and geographically dispersed workforce, solutions like Colossyan's offer a glimpse into a future where technology bridges the gap between knowledge and learning.

In conclusion, Colossyan's application of generative AI in creating corporate training videos marks a significant advancement in corporate education. By making training content more accessible, customizable, and engaging, Colossyan is enhancing the quality of corporate training and paving the way for a future where technology plays a central role in educating the workforce. As we look ahead, it's clear that the intersection of AI and education will continue to offer exciting opportunities for innovation and growth.