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Dell and Hugging Face Partner to Simplify Large Language Model Deployment

Enterprises are exploring the potential of large language models and generative AI for business, facing challenges in data protection and resource management, similar to early cloud computing.

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In today's business landscape, many enterprises are delving into large language models (LLMs) and generative AI, investigating their transformative potential for various business applications. This exploration is akin to the early days of cloud computing and big data analytics, but it's not without its complexities and challenges.

Questions loom large about the initiation of these advanced technologies, particularly regarding safeguarding sensitive data and the intricacies of time and resource-heavy fine-tuning processes. Dell and Hugging Face have joined forces to navigate these challenges in a groundbreaking development.

Their partnership marks a significant stride towards simplifying the on-premises deployment of tailored LLMs, empowering enterprises to harness the full capabilities of this rapidly advancing technology. Matt Baker, SVP for Dell AI strategy, emphasized the profound impact of this collaboration in a recent press briefing, noting that the influence of generative AI and AI at large is not just significant but genuinely transformative.

The Challenges of GenAI Adoption

Enterprises today are keenly exploring the potential of customized large language models and generative AI for business enhancement. However, they face challenges in deploying these complex technologies, particularly regarding data security, privacy, and the intensive resources needed for fine-tuning AI models.

The Dell-Hugging Face Solution

dell and hugging face partner to simplify llm deployment

To address these concerns, Dell and Hugging Face have unveiled a new Dell portal on the Hugging Face platform. This portal will provide custom, dedicated containers, scripts, and technical documents for deploying open-source genAI models on Hugging Face with Dell servers and data storage systems. The service, initially available for Dell PowerEdge servers, will be accessible through the APEX console and is expected to extend to other Dell workstation tools, with plans to release updated containers for new-gen AI use cases.

The Strategic Vision

This partnership is Dell's latest step in becoming a leader in generative AI. The company recently expanded its gen AI portfolio, moving beyond initial-stage inferencing to encompass model customization, tuning, and deployment. The Dell Hugging Face portal will feature curated sets of models chosen for performance, accuracy, and specific use cases, allowing organizations to deploy within their infrastructure efficiently.

Enhancing Data Security and Privacy

A critical aspect of this collaboration is data security and privacy assurance. Enterprises will not exchange data with public models, ensuring complete control and confidentiality over their proprietary data. Once a model is fine-tuned, it becomes the sole property of the enterprise.

Streamlining the Fine-Tuning Process

Tuning models for optimal output is traditionally time-consuming. To address this, Dell is introducing a containerized tool based on parameter-efficient techniques like LoRA and QLoRA, simplifying the fine-tuning process. Additionally, retrieving Augmented Generation (RAG) alongside off-the-shelf LLM tools allows users to incorporate external knowledge sources, creating stepwise instructions for various generative tasks.


The Dell and Hugging Face partnership is poised to significantly simplify the on-premises deployment of LLMs, making it easier for enterprises to leverage the full potential of generative AI. With enhanced data security, streamlined deployment processes, and Dell's robust Dell infrastructure backing, this collaboration marks a pivotal moment in the enterprise adoption of generative AI technologies.