Microsoft Is Outsourcing

PLUS: Governments Boosting Nvidia, Open-Source AI Search Engine

Leader, welcome back. Today’s updates:

  • Free SEO Audit*: Now you can generate leads with AI & build sustainable sales growth. Get your free SEO audit now.

  • Microsoft is outsourcing its top AI R&D to OpenAI, potentially reducing its AI leadership (More)

  • Global governments are driving Nvidia's sales growth with massive investments in AI infrastructure (More)

  • Perplexica aims to improve AI search engines by offering an open-source alternative to proprietary systems (More)

  • Tools to increase your productivity

  • Resources to help you learn and much more…


Imagine combining the power of SEO with cutting-edge AI to generate a steady flow of qualified leads, year after year. That's what you get with our service.

  • Focus on what counts: We go beyond traffic and rankings. We track revenue and profits so you see a real return on investment.

  • AI superpowers: Harness the power of AI frameworks, automation, and no-code tools to work smarter, not harder.

  • Relax, we've got this: Let our team become your organic growth engine. You focus on scaling your business with a stream of happy new customers.

Ready to ditch the short-term SEO hustle and build sustainable growth? Fill out the form and get a free SEO audit.


Productivity Tools

AI & ChatGPT Mini Crash Course* - Stay stress-free and save 8+ hours every day and learn 20+ AI tools, prompting techniques & hacks for free. (first 100 people only)

OpenArt - An AI-powered creative platform that allows users to explore multiple versions of their images without complex prompts (link)

Munch - Helps to create short clips from long-form videos to maximize social media exposure (link)

Spiritme - AI-video platform for creating personalized videos with digital avatars (link)

Useful Resources

Ted talk: Leadership in the Age of Al (link)

Find a circular strategy to fit your business model (link)

Top 12 AI tools for financial analysts: 2024 edition (link)

How to build a better job candidate for the AI world (link)

5 questions to ask before using big tech’s gen AI advertising tools (link)

P.S. You can still get The Ultimate ChatGPT Toolkit (no email opt-in).


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💰 Funding

AirMDR raises $5M for AI-powered managed detection and response (link)

HoundDogAI raised $3.1M to help organizations protect sensitive data from exposure (link)

💼 Job Board

Software Engineer at Bloomreach (Remote)

Enterprise Solution Sales Executive at Sprinklr (US)

🐦 $3 Trillion company:

🔮 Mystery Link

This link could show you Elon Musk's business secrets or how to do a backflip or anything in between.


Subject Lines Ideas

Analyze the given description and craft a compelling subject line that grabs attention and entices subscribers to open your newsletter. Consider the following factors: relevance, curiosity, urgency, and brevity.

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Description: [Insert here]


North American population patterns by density

Credit card delinquency rates in the U.S. by state

Safer, faster, and more ethical drug development

Is treated sewage worse for the environment than raw?

Largest-ever map of universe’s active supermassive black holes released

Behavior of land mammals changed dramatically during COVID-19 lockdowns

Scientists find 12,000-year-old preserved human brains resisting decomposition

Mysterious ‘fairy circles’ identified at hundreds of sites worldwide, new study says

Man who lived 100 days underwater claims he 'de-aged 10 years' — but suffered odd side effect


Microsoft is outsourcing

Microsoft is effectively outsourcing its best AI research and development to OpenAI, according to Okta CEO Todd McKinnon. He believes this is good news for Google, as the company has taken a more organic approach to AI development.

McKinnon warned that there is a risk Microsoft's position in AI could become reduced, as OpenAI develops the most exciting AI advancements.

Governments boosting Nvidia

Global governments are boosting Nvidia's sales growth by investing heavily in domestic AI initiatives.

Countries worldwide, including Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas, are allocating billions of dollars to build new data centers and upgrade existing ones with specialized AI chips, predominantly from Nvidia.

Open-source AI search engine

Perplexica is an open-source project that aims to provide a better alternative to traditional and proprietary AI-powered search engines like Perplexity.

Current search engines often rely on keyword-based algorithms that do not understand complex or context-dependent queries.

That’s all.

Stay curious, leaders!

- Mr. Prompts

PS. If you missed yesterday’s issue, you can find it here.

Interested in partnering with us? Get in touch here.

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